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She Blew Up Her Husband

Mom has two teenage twin daughters; all blonde. Girls come home one (spring) day and see their dad tied up. The timing was perfect for the Mom as since she had done it, and wasn’t expecting the girls there, she told them to quickly leave, acting as if someone was after them, and she would try to untie their father, who couldn’t talk because he was also gagged. They ran out, fearful for their parents. The mother comes running out—without the father—just as an explosion occurs. C-5 or something similar put on a DVD in a player with the timer on. Mother told girls that she had come home just momentarily before they did, and further explained that she couldn’t get the father untied in time. They all sob together.

Truth is, mother got big insurance money, so was able to send the girls to college. She was also able to buy things she wanted, as there were very few bills left to pay from her life with her husband. As story unfolds, it is found that the mother and father didn’t get along that well, and always fought about money, he not wanting to send the girls to college, as it would cost a huge sum with no promise of return. After the girls were in college, they got the feeling that someone was following—and watching—them. It was a private investigator hired by the husband’s family, as they suspected foul play, although the police ruled it out. They thought the girls had something to do with it, as they had witnessed on several occasions the girls yelling hate words at their father when they didn’t get their way. The girls, however, experienced some frightening times by being followed….

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